I have certainly become a person who coupons. It's a far different state then I was in from my 20's and early 30's. The person I was in my earlier days would barely look at a price tag before making a purchase, now I comparison shop and looks for deals. Even though my husband and I have yet to have a child or a mortgage we are definitely trying to live a little more frugal. Trying to save for a house is not easy when we are basically living on one salary. With my husband as a full time college student it's a necessity. My husband and I rarely go out to dinner and usually if we do it is with some kind of coupon or discount. I try not to shop in department stores with a coupon and I belong to every saving club I can. I think I amazed my husband one day while he accompanied me to Macy's that a purchased that should have cost nearly $100 only cost us about $20 with the purchases being on sale and of course I had a coupon! To save on groceries I sit and plan our menu for the week before I go grocery shopping. This way there are not mutiple trips to the store during the week, where extra impulse buys might happen. I also can then plan my purchases around what is on sale or what coupons I have. So it is within this post that I will share the coupon websites and apps that help me to save!
Coupon websites:
couponsuzy and coupons.com both of these websites update often and allow you to print coupons at home. These are good if you donot get newspapers with the inserts to clip the coupons weekly.
zavers works in conjuntion with some local grocery stores to either print or send digitial coupons to your store card.
Website and Apps: (these are both a website and avialable as an app)
cellfire works in conjuntion with local grocery stores and allows you to print coupons or send digitial coupons to your store card.
savingstar with this site/app you can digitially clip coupons and connect them to numerous store cards. You accumulate money in a digitial account where you can later select how to get your payout. The payout can be sent to your bank account, paypal account or you can select to donate the money or take it in the form of a amazon gift card.
LivingSocial.com, groupon.com, and amazonlocal These three websites have become a places for me to find deals for nights out with my husband from diner deals to wine and cheese tasting events. All three offer deals for goods, trips, and local services.
cardstar is an app that has lightened my load in my wallet. I no longer have to card around all those loyalty cards. With this app I loaded all the cards and now they can be scanned or the number used at the store. And there are deals attached to some of the cards on the app.
I hope this was helpful and you have websites or apps that you are using please share with us!
Happy saving!
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