Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pregnancy Causing Lack of Motivation to Cook

Hello all.  I have to just comment on the lack of action lately on this blog.  This mainly due to the fact that I am expecting my first child.  I have made it through the first trimester.  A little morning sickness that struck mainly in the evening kept me from tackling anything new in the kitchen.  Between exhaustion, slight nausea, and the lack of desire to eat left me less then motivated to cook.  Now into my second trimester luckily the nausea has left.  However some tummy issues and doctor telling me to stay off my feet and take it easy has left me yet again unmotivated to try anything new for dinner after working all day.  My husband is wonderful and has taken on helping with the cooking and doing dishes.  Again though leaving us to plan easy, simple meals for dinner.  I am finding I still don't want anything heavy for dinner.  I find my digestion system prefers if I kind of eat a bunch of small meals all day or graze.

So if anyone has suggestions for quick simple meals please do share them.