Friday, June 8, 2012

Simple Birthday Idea

Sometimes as we grow older the hoopla that goes along with birthdays sometimes fades away.  Perhaps this comes from the fear or dread of getting older.  Which is somewhat a shame since I still feel that birthdays should be honored with at the very least cake, balloons, and some silliness! Now don't think this means that one has to go over the top and spend great deals to achieve this birthday fun.  It is more about to find someway during the day to make the birthday boy or girl feel special.  The picture above shows a simple centerpiece I constructed with a bag of birthday balloons purchased at the grocery store that morning, blew up, and placed in a wooden serving tray.  The birthday hat was purchased two years ago at target and is still used to signify a birthday.  Ok so now that there are balloons and decoration a cake is needed.
Again nothing fancy being served here for the cake portion of the celebration, it was to be a quiet celebration of just my husband and myself so a small Carvel ice-cream cake was all that was needed.  My husband loved it.  To round out his birthday celebration and make it a special day for him in between dinner and cake we ventured down to the beach for an evening stroll in the sand.

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