Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Easy Sides

Many people at the start of a new year my resolutions to eat healthier and instill better habits.  Although I have not made any solid New Year's resolutions I have made a conscience effort to eat more vegetables and limit the starches in my diet.  So this evening to accompany a pretty basic baked chicken I made some spaghetti squash with tomato sauce, my brain actually thought it was real pasta! And roasted asparagus, which is so simple but oh so delicious!


Wash asparagus and break off the woody ends.  Lay asparagus in a single layer on a foiled line baking sheet.  Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with a generous amount of salt and pepper.  Roast  in a 375 degree oven for 15 minutes or until tender.  

Spaghetti Squash in Tomato Sauce:

Roast spaghetti squash: (we had this the night prior and had leftover)
Cut spaghetti squash in half, scoop out seeds and pulp.  Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Place cut side down onto a foil lined baking sheet and roast in a 375 degree oven for 45 minutes.  Cool for a few minutes then using a fork scoop out noodles place in a bowl.  Toss with herbs de provence and Parmesan cheese.

In a skillet heat olive oil and saute a half chopped onion and three cloves of garlic.  Add in an 8oz can of tomato sauce.  Add in the spaghetti squash and simmer a few minutes 

We tossed a little extra Parmesan cheese on top.

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