Recently I over the summer I reached my breaking point with the chaos that had been taking over my fridge. We are all guilty of it just quickly throwing things wherever there is the smallest of spaces, then forgetting things as they get pushed to the back. That's when science projects begin to form in the back of your fridge on the mystery leftovers. For my husband and I there is recent desire to eat healthier and also not to be wasteful. So yes having the desire and want for a change, however the immediate push to actually do something about it took a little longer. I think the breaking point for me came when one morning standing barefooted with the door wide open looking for something I reached around looking for my required item, of course as I looked for it I gathered an armful of objects when finally reaching for my found item and a glass jar of tomato sauce inevitably came crashing down around my bare feet. My kitchen is white tile floors. Needless to say this was not how I wanted to start my day standing amidst my white floor with tomato sauce toes surrounded by broken glass.
It was a few days later that I headed out to the local dollar store to secure me some baskets to organize my chaos. So far two weeks or so into my reorganization things are going along swimmingly. It has made things neater and easier to locate things. This also lead me to venture into my freezer to stop the onslaught of frozen meat at my head whenever I opened it. Again two simple baskets costing me all of two dollars has made life so much better!
Two baskets in the tiny freezer have now made it so much easier to locate things without being hit in the head with frozen meat.
A few baskets in the fridge have corralled smaller items. (yogurts, fruit cups etc..) The green baskets now hold our cheese and deli meats.
Love this idea! I am going to totally steal it!